Title: What Is Dead May Never Die Rating: R Pairing: Theon/Ramsay Word Count: 1,324 Summary: He had forgotten what his own face looked like before he met Ramsay, but he could never forget Ramsay’s face. Warning: non-consensual oral sex, referenced torture and abuse Note: Written for the Shipoween exchange.
Untitled Rating: R Pairing: Theon/Sansa Word Count: 226 Summary: He had enough pride left that he didn't want to see his beautiful new wife look at him with distaste.
Title: Summer At Winterfell Rating: G Characters: Theon, Ned, Catelyn, Robb, Jon, Sansa Word Count: 1,165 Summary: Theon adjusts to life with the Starks at Winterfell.
Title: Gift Giving Rating: G Characters: Theon, Sansa, Robb, Jon Pairing: pre-Theon/Robb Word Count: 625 Summary: Theon's name day gift to little Sansa isn't met with the reaction he expected.
Title: Breaking Point Rating: NC-17 Pairings: Asha/Tristifer, Asha/Tristifer/Theon Word Count: 918 Summary: Asha tries to make Tristifer fall out of love with her. Warning: humiliation, reluctant crossdressing, reluctant male/male, pegging.
Title: Close Enough To Feel Rating: NC-17 Pairing: Theon/OFC/Robb, Theon/Robb Word Count: 944 Summary: Theon helps Robb celebrate his Whispering Wood victory. Note: Written for the Porn Battle prompt Theon/Robb, corrupt, pretenses.
Months ago curtana drew me SanSan with offspring and I promised her Asha femslash fic in return. I've been unable to concentrate on full length fic so I've written several ficlets instead. I'll post the others later this week
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